Larry L

CRank: 5Score: 28430

I hate modern wrasslin' games because they are honestly too complicated for me. But I was really looking forward to the console version of WWF/E WrestleFest. Images came out, it even had a release date of Dec 14 or 19 2012. But after the THQ thing went down, who I believe was the publisher, WrestleFest just disappeared never to be heard from again.

Does anyone know what happened or heard any updates?

3961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's kinda odd you "say" the game is too short for a retail game, but the numbers you give tell a diferent story. 12 hours and double that with all the side-quests? Well, everyone is going to do the sidequests because as any fan of this genre knows CONTENT IS KING for these games (as we all know the SNES version of Turtles in Time is the best because it has more levels). So a game of this genre having SO much content that a playthrough takes 24 hours is SHORT to you?! LOL

3966d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does this guy and other authors feel the need to apologize that this game will make people uncomfortable because it has big boobs in it?

What is it with these people? Why is this one game getting picked apart for having a female mage with an ample bosom? I don't know that I've ever seen a female mage without big boobs going all the way back to the peuter Dungeons & Dragons figurines back when pen and paper D&D was big.

The funny (not HAHA ...

3966d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is useless and pointless news outside of Japan because NO, this is not coming to America. Why would it? There already is a Monster Hunter out in Japan for that was already localized for every language so no extra monet had to be spent for that in Monster Hunter Portable HD.

If they didn't release the one that anyone could just buy and own at an affordable price....... meaning it would have more mass appeal outside of Japan, they surely aren't going to...

3967d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

It's the same people. Modern CoD attracts the same exact gamers as GTA for the most part. Hence the same kind of "fan" feedback.

3973d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I certaily agree that SWBF is more chaotic than BF2, but that's because of the maps themselves, more so than the gameplay. Most of the maps were essentially just "lanes", so squads going from "flag" to "flag" would usually just meet head on, as opposed to BF which has well designed realistic village and city maps where squads can skulk about the map and be more tactical. This is down to the dev too. Pandemic were ambitious for sure, but their execution w...

3973d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummmm.......did you, or any of the 5 people who agreed with you ever actually play SWBF1 & 2........or perhaps you never played Battlefield 2. But since you don't seem to know, BattleFront 1 and 2 IS just Battlefield with a Star Wars theme. If you liked them, why would you not want more of that?

Or is it that you're saying you didn't like BattleFront 1 and 2 because it was just Battlefield with a Star Wars theme?

3974d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

I would expect a little later, like Spring '15, since I'd assume it's such a huge game content wise. But they seem to be putting BF4 together very quickly, and they seem to be talking as though they are already planning for a second SWBF, so maybe you're right.

Either way, we'll have gameplay by next E3 for sure.

3974d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The match just makes sense. I mean aside from Jedi/Sith, BattleFront 1&2 are basically just Star Wars skinned Battlefield 2s, right? Sure, that's being droll and not giving the games the credit they deserve, but being overly simplistic, that's what it is.

So, what better developer to take the helm of the BattleFront series, I say?

Now it's time for wishlists for people to start making with unreachable expectations, so they can all be disappoin...

3974d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

You show here that you are someone who just likes to bash GT with made up BS and likely havn't even played the game. Certainly not in any depth. Either that, or you are completely simple and are putting racing suspension on every car......which regardless of car comes with the same default (not for the car......for the suspension) settings.....and then saying to yourself "this game sucks, all the cars suspension feels the same!! RAGE!!!". Well, no kidding DUDE. Of course your ca...

3975d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with a few of your critiques. No lift off oversteer, basic tire model, garbage clutch. I disagree with a few others. It does model tire temps, hence having less grip when your tires are cold, and the temp:grip rate is on each tire no just a general less/more grip thing. You're saying here now that irl people can't do a straight line smoking start in a Cobra? I've seen people do it many times all over TV car shows....and not prodrivers I say you're wrong o...

3975d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's obviously all rights issues. The Link rights are obvious. I'm sure Todd McFarlane would sign off again, if anything specific outside of Namco is stopping Spawn from being in for both platforms I'd bet every dime I have that it's MicroSoft. I'm sure they originally had to pay for that exclusivity and they aren't they types (especially these days) to give up that exclusivity without a legal fight, which Namco certainly isn't going to bother Heihac...

3978d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, so it sounds like Steam is a PC version of PS3, just with much cheaper games because they're the PC versions and devs/publishers will count their blessings for any dollar they can make on PC versions of their games if they don't have heavy DRM policies.

That said, I do get offered alot of Day 1 and pre-order discounts from Plus or just on PSN. ME3 got Day 1 discounts.....quite alot of games, I'm not going to list them all but there have been alot. And forget d...

3979d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I don't think the majority of games are going to work like the Plus version of Drive Club. That deal seems to me like Sony/Evo just had to come up with a way to have one of the big PS4 exclusives free for Plus member, while still being able to get Evo to be able to make themselves some money off their efforts as well.....which they deserve. I just hope we get enough Drive Club actually for free so we feel like it's a complete experience without spending anything extra, and that ...

3979d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you saying Steam gives you alot of 3rd party games for free that you get to keep forever? I wasn't aware of that. I'm not a PC gamers so I don't know any specifics on Steam. I thought it was a service for buying games. In which case, why WOULDN'T you keep them forever?

The free games on Plus are more like a rental service, but better since you never have to return the games to get more games. As long as you're a subscriber you can play any game you eve...

3979d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS1 games? You would have liked Plus even more in the early days of the service. Typically I would consider digital versions of PS1 games a waste of money to be honest, but I got some good free ones from Plus like all the Resident Evils, and I actually ended up buying a some because they were on sale so cheap with Plus. I got every Final Fantasy for $2.50 each. The original Mega Man 1, 2 and 3 for $1 a piece. And I can't remember how much I paid for Star Wars Dark Forces, but I know it wa...

3979d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You must not be a console gamer that's a fan of this genre. Console fans of this genre know these games are better to play on consoles with real-time controls instead of just pointing and clicking. It's just a better, more stress relieving gameplay style that way.

For the console crowd that's into the genre, the fans of Baulder's:DA, Champions of Norrath and so on......their excitement is through the roof I would guess. I know mine is. Not just because Diablo ...

3980d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I clicked source thinking there was no way this would be a bad read.

Such a passionate racing game fan that the author recalls the days when Gran Turismo 2 came out on PS2. I thought maybe he hit 2 instead of 3 by accident and the site just has a crap proof-reader/editor, but then he said "with it's 600 cars"........nope he was talking about GT2.

I closed the tab there. I was trying to deal with the poorly written article, but wrong facts also?...

3980d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I get your reasoning about the SNES controller which was amazing......isn't the Sony controller exactly the same except more ergonomic and more functional, therefore better?

And I could almost guess what someone would say in reply to that which would be "Sony just ripped off Nintendo's design.", and while I also understand that's wrong......because of the circumstances. That controller was designed by Sony AND Nintendo together ...

3981d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My personal all-time fav when I put on my rose tinted nostalgia glasses was the Genesis 6-button. Not the bulky one that had the bigger stock Genesis style buttons, but the much smaller, sleeker one that was more comfortable and had the smaller, rounded buttons. Man, I loved that controller. It was so perfect for that time of home ports of arcade games and fighters.

Excluding nostalgia though, for me it's simple. Dual Shock 3 is the best 1st party controller of all time...

3981d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment